Minimal Design, Maximum Impact

a r c h i t e c t u r e , i n t e r i o r s
•Company projects are diverse in type, they reflect a similar approach to resolving specific program requirements with a consistent focus on design, where regardless of project cost or type, there is a modern clarity brought to each design while maintaining a strong client identity and purpose.
SLEEK DSIGNS PVT.LTD.– A partner ship based company which have Two main partners Mr Irfan Mutto, Mis Naseem Irfan. Specialization in architecture interior design, Construction, Project Management, graphic design & animated presentations. Sleek Designs Private Limited is a studio environment, in which an open atmosphere contributes to a spirited exchange of ideas. This atmosphere ensures the quality of all projects, as it encourages collaboration, practical experience, and shared project data. All architects on staff bring with them knowledge and experience from diverse backgrounds and are all capable of working on a variety of project types.
Besides our own professional skills, we have our associated partners for other engineering disciplines, needed for execution of all kind of physical developments. Office technology includes the latest hardware and software, with advanced capabilities with 3D rendering and multimedia programs.
Architectural Design, Landscape Design
Interior Design, Turnkey Design , Construction Managements.
Architect, Engineers,Designers,Furnture Designer
D.A.E --Civil Associate Engineers
Architectural Design, Landscape Design
Interior Design, Turnkey Design , Construction Managements.
Architect, Engineers,Designers,Furnture Designer
D.A.E --Civil Associate Engineers
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